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Find information related to export shipments in Chile.

1. Schedules

ONE Customer Advisory - Vessel Schedules (eCommerce)


Dear ONE Customer

We inform that as of February 01, 2025, our Vessel Schedules will only be available in eCommerce, by going to the SCHEDULE > Long Range option.

You will also have the option to download them, without the need to log in to your eCommerce account.

Below you will find a manual for the Customer:

Manual Cliente - Revisión de Itinerarios “Schedule - Long Range”.pdf


We cordially invite you to continue using all our available digital tools.

Sincerely yours,
Ocean Network Express (Chile)  

2. Important Information

Important Links

è Registro de casillas para envío de Comunicados 

è Live Chat Chile  

è Late Arrival Físico (ingrese al Portal Late Arrival Aquí) 

è Corrección B/L post zarpe 

Types of B/L issuance accepted by destination countries

BL Regulation ONE - Tipos de Emisión Aceptados por País (Update 17-06-2024).xlsx

Types of B/L issuance accepted in Chile (Export)

Type of Issue

Description of the Type of Issue

Original B/L (Origin Issue)

Printing of 3 Original BL(s) at the loading port (origin)

Original B/L (Destination Issue)

Printing of 3 BL(s) Originals at port of discharge (destination)

Express/Telex Release (Surrender)

Electronic release upon presentation of BL copy

Sea Waybill

100% electronic release at destination port / BL non-transferable

Electronic B/L (eBL)

100% electronic release at destination port


3.1 Stacking and Cut Off- SERVICE AX1

3.2 Stacking and Cut Off- SERVICE AX2

3.3 Stacking and Cut Off- SERVICE ATS

3.4 Cierres Documentales y Stacking - SERVICIO FLX (Florida Latin Express)

4 . Videos informativos

Revise nuestros videos explicativos (webinar) sobre nuestra plataforma e-commerce.


  •  Primer WEBINAR E-COMMERCE - Creacion de Booking

Video file


  •  Segundo WEBINAR eCOMMERCE - Envio de Shipping Intruccion (Matriz)

Video file