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"ONE QUOTE" Available for the Exports From Peru

Dear Valued ONE Customer,

We are pleased to announce that our digital quotation platform, ONE QUOTE, is now available for the export shipments from Peru. Please consider below scope for this first implementation phase in the country:

One Quote Available For The Exports From Peru

If you are new to “ONE QUOTE”, please note that this is OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS's digital quote platform, where you can get instant quotes and bookings anytime, anywhere. This improves your shipping experience in today's dynamic market.


You can see a short tutorial about our platform here



1. The access to the digital quotation platform is through our ONE eCommerce.

2. When using it, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions, whenever you need, and especially, all the details of the Terms and Conditions, where you will know:

a. How our “Premium Cargo Service” works, which guarantees the space and equipment for your shipment.

b. The conditions apply in case of cancellation or adjustments to your reservation in the ONE QUOTE.

If you prefer, access this information at this link.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our CHAT or your sales representative for additional support.

As always, we appreciate our partnership, and we always aim to improve your experience with us!


Yours sincerely,